Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay on Collapse Final - 2224 Words
Collapse Final Question One In his book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, Jared Diamond outlines five factors that may lead to a societal collapse: climate change, hostile neighbors, loss of trading partners, environmental damage, and a society’s response to its problems. The climate change Diamond is talking about here refers to natural fluctuations in weather; fifty years of great weather can lead to a population boom, but followed by fifty years of bad weather it can lead to collapse caused by lack of food. Before things were written down, word of mouth was how information got passed down; there is a time limit to living memory and a society could forget that the climate of the place they inhabited didn’t†¦show more content†¦All of these factors, with the exception of the introduction of alien species, are rooted in overpopulation relative to the capacity of the environment. According to Diamond, there are two methods to prevent collapse; the bottom- up method and the top-down method. The Bottom-up method is most effective in small societies where everyone knows and is accountable to their neighbors. This allows for the community to create and implement a solution to its own issues. The Top-down method is meant for bigger societies with bigger government, like the U.S. Unlike with the bottom-up method, the people are not concerned with the well-being of the entire group; they do not have an overview of the entire society. However, a ruler does, and also has the ability to impose rules and regulations on their society to preserve the environment for future generations. Societies that choose to implement these methods have a better success rate than those that do not. Also factored into the success of a society is the fragility of the environment, and choosing an economy to fit that environment. As discussed in class, Diamond uses the method of cherry-picking to prove his theories. Basically, he picks and chooses which f acts to include in his book to best support his theories. It is impossible for him to list all of the evidence for the collapse of a societyShow MoreRelatedJuno and the Paycock - Deterioration of a Relationship Essay1005 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Irish Civil War. Throughout the play, we can see the titular character’s, Juno Boyle and Jack Boyle, relationship deteriorate , and how dramatic events in their lives and the lives of their children, Johnny and Mary, cause the entire family to collapse. The play is set closely following the signing of the treaty dividing Ireland into sections and features the resulting conflict between the diehards who want a united, free Ireland, and the free-staters, who support the treaty, with this conflictRead MoreA Short History of Progress2404 Words  | 10 Pagesthe Runaway Train, and the House of Cards. 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